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人教版英语九年级全册(下)Unit 13《We’ re trying to save the···》微课精讲+知识点习题 2020-02-21 16:21:07


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《Unit 13 We’ re trying to save the earth?》




九年级英语全册Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
九年级英语全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious
九年级英语全册Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the ··
九年级英语全册Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry
九年级英语全册Unit 12  Life is full of the unexpected.












Unit 13 单词 (音标)

litter [\'lɪtə] v. 乱扔 n. 垃圾;废弃物

bottom [ˈbɒtəm] n. 底部;最下部

fisherman [ˈfɪʃəmən] n. 渔民;钓鱼的人

coal [kəʊl] n. 煤;煤块

ugly [ˈʌɡli] adj. 丑陋的;难看的

advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n.优点;有利条件

cost [kɒst] v. 花费n. 花费;价钱

wooden [ˈwʊd(ə)n] adj. 木制的;木头的

plastic [\'plæstɪk] adj. 塑料的n. 塑料;塑胶

shark [\'ʃɑːk] n. 鲨鱼

fin [fɪn] n.(鱼)鳍

cruel [ˈkruːəl] adj. 残酷的;残忍的

harmful [ˈhɑːmfʊl] adj. 有害的

chain [tʃeɪn] n. 链子;链条

ecosystem [\'iːkəʊsɪstəm] n. 生态系统

industry [ˈɪndəstri] n. 工业;行业

law [lɔː] n. 法律;法规

scientific [saɪən\'tɪfɪk] adj. 科学上的;科学的

afford [ə\'fɔːd] v. 承担得起(后果);买得起

reusable [ri:\'ju:zəbl] adj. 可重复使用的;可再次使用的

transportation [ˌtrænspə\'teɪʃən] n. 运输业;交通运输

recycle [riː\'saɪkl] v. 回收利用;再利用

napkin [\'næpkɪn] n. 餐巾;餐巾纸

gate [geɪt] n. 大门

bottle [ˈbɒtl] n. 瓶;瓶子

president [ˈprezɪdənt] n. 负责人;主席;总统

inspiration [ˌɪnspə\'reɪʃən] n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)

iron [\'aɪən] n. 铁

work [wɜːk] n. (音乐、艺术)作品

metal [\'metl] n. 金属

creativity [ˌkriːeɪ\'tɪvɪtɪ] n. 创造力;独创性














1. at the bottom of the river 在河底

2. be full of rubbish 充满垃圾

3. throw litter into the river 把垃圾扔入河中

4. play a part in cleaning it up 尽一份力把它清理干净

5. land pollution 土地污染

6. fill the air with black smoke 使空气中充满了黑烟

7. cut down air pollution 减少空气污染

8. make a difference 产生影响

9. take action 采取行动

10. turn off 关掉

11. pay for 付费

12. add up 累加

13. use public transportation 使用公共交通

14. recycle books and paper 回收书和纸

15. use paper napkins 使用纸巾16. turn off the shower 关掉淋浴器

17. ride in cars 开车出行

18. cut off 割掉;砍掉

19. upside down 颠倒;倒转


1. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.


2.Everyone in town should play a part in cleaning it up.


3.The air is badly polluted because there are too many cars on the road these days.


4.To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.


5. I used to be able to see stars in the sky.


6. The air has become really polluted around here. I’m getting very worried.


7. No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.






1. However, it’s no fun if you have a large ______(双肩背包) full of books to carry.

2. Luckily, they escaped from the ______ (着火的)building with the help of the firemen.

3. There are a lot of ______(奶油)on the biscuits.

4.A school o______ said they needed at least one million yuan to run the school.

5.The thief stole food from a m______ and was caught by the policemen.


luck, office, keep walking, say goodbye to, feed

1. ______until you get to the end of the street.

2. The monkeys are full, because we have ______ them.

3. We were late for the film Roman Holidaybut ________ we didn t miss much.

4. He ___________ us at the end of the trip.

5. It is said that he is a government______.


1.  We planted          trees last year.

A. hundreds of       B. hundred of   

C. five hundreds      D. five hundred of

2. —What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.

—I          to prepare for the final exam last night.

A. picked upB. woke up

C. stayed upD. put up

3. —Is Richard still living here?

—Nohe____ to Paris already.

A. had moved          B. moved

C. will move   D. has moved

4. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didn’t _______.

A. stay up  B. go up

C. give up   D. show up

5. —I’m sorryI don’t know the way.

—Please ask ______.

A. anyone else  B. someone else  

C. else anyone  D. else someone

6. —You’d better hurry. We’ll be late for the plane.

—Don’t worry. The plane will ______ in two hours.

A. take out        B. take away    

C. take off

7. In that fantasy world, dead people can be______ again and broken legs can grow once more.

A. live                B. alive    

C. living             D. lively

8. The teacher asked each of us to plant ______six trees.

A. at last   B.at least   

C.at once  D. at all

9. My cousin didn’t get the ______ to work abroad and he had to return to his hometown.

A. chance  B. challenge   

C. experience  D. success

10. Helen doesn’t talk to others. She always like thinking to ______.

A. her  B. herself  

C. hers   D. she

11. —Do you have Jay s CDs?

—Sorry, they are _____. But we ll get some more next week because they _____.

A. sold wellare on sale    

B. sold outsell well  

C. selling well; sell well    

D. for sale; sell well

12. —Tom, Ive just heard that scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars.

—Really? I haven’t ______this yet.

A. stood for    B. belonged to

C. heard about   D. kept to

13. —Can you tell me how to use the digital camera?

—______ .Let me have a look.

A. No way    B. No problem

C. Forget it    


discover, work, oversleep, disappear, miss

1. Tom didn’t go to school on time this morning because he ______.

2. The ______ worked all day and they felt very tired.

3. I ______ the first bus. As a result, I was late for school.

4. All over the world, people have cut down millions of trees, so more and more kinds of animals and plants are ______.

5. At last, we made an important ______.


1. I had had dinner by the time he called me. (改为一般疑问句)

______ you______ dinner by the time he called you?

2. The box isn’t light enough for me to carry. (改为同义句)

The box is _______ heavy _______ I can’t carry it.

3. We had learned six pop songs by the end of last week.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ pop songs _______ you _______ by the end of last week?

4. Mr Smith has taught in our school for three years.( 对划线部分提问)

_________ _______ has Mr Smith taught in our school?

5. The water was so dirty that we couldn t drink it. (改为简单句)

The water was_________ dirty for us _________drink.


1. 所有的水果都卖完了。

All the fruits has been ______ ______.

2. 李明是个淘气的孩子,因为他喜欢捉弄别人。

Li Ming is a naught boy because he loves to ______ ______ ______ others.

3. 她正在设法减肥。

She is trying to ______ ______.

4. 我们的作业必须准时交。

Our homework must be ______ ______ on time.

5. 在我的详细描述下,他很快就找到了真相。

With my careful description, he ______ ______the truth quickly.





一、1. backpack   2. burn   3. cream  4. officer  5. market

二、1. keep walking  2. fed  3. luckily  4. says/said goodbye to  5. officer

三、1. A【解析】考查数词的用法。hundredthousandmillion等数词与具体数字连用时,用单数形式,且词尾不加-s;若与of连用表示约数时,词尾必须加-s,且不可与数词连用。hundreds of意为成百上千的,所以选A

2. C【解析】pick up“捡起,拾起wake up“叫醒,唤醒stay up“熬夜put up“举起,搭建。由上文句意你看起来疲乏和下文句意昨天晚上为期末考试做准备可知,是熬夜了。所以选C

3. D【解析】句意:理查德还住在这里吗?不,他已经搬到巴黎去了。由答语中already一词可知,本句为现在完成时。故选D

4. D【解析】stay up“熬夜go up“上升give up“放弃show up“露面。由句意你知道约翰在哪里吗?他准备和我早点见面,但他没露面可知选D

5. B【解析】本句为肯定句,排除ACelse修饰复合不定代词时,else要放在其后。故选B

6.C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。take out “取出,除去take away “带走;拿走take off “起飞,根据答语:别急,飞机将在2个小时后起飞。故选C

7. B【解析】由句意在那个神奇的世界里,死人能复活,断腿能再生可知,选Balive意为活着的,指生命的延续。

8. B【解析】at last“最后at least“至少at once“马上at all“全然。由句意老师要我们每个人至少植六棵树可知,选B

9. A【解析】get a chance to do sth.意为得到机会做某事

10. B【解析】think to oneself是固定搭配,意为心里想,盘算。由句意海伦不喜欢和他人谈话,她总是喜欢自己心里想(事情)

11. B【解析】考查动词的时态与语态。第一空要表达对不起,他们全卖没了theysell out之间是一种被动关系,所以要用被动语态;第二空,表达产品畅销使用sell well主动表被动,所以选B

12.C【解析】考查动词短语的辨析。stand for“代表;主张”;belong to“属于”;hear about“听说”;keep to“遵守。根据句意知选C

13. B【解析】 no problem“没问题,表示愿意或能够做这件事。

四、1. overslept  2. workers  3. missed  4. disappearing  5. discovery

五、1. Had; had  2. so; that 3.How many; had; learned  4. How long  5. too; to

六、1. sold out  2. play jokes on  3. lose weight  4. handed in  5. find out




















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(音乐、艺术)作品metal [\'metl] n. 金属creativity [ˌkriːeɪ\'tɪvɪtɪ] n. 创造力;独创性_微课视频精讲_第一节微课第二节微课第三节微课_电子课本_知识点汇总_第十三单元知识点汇总(供课前预习课后复习)【重点短语】1. at the bottom of the river 在河底2. be full of rubbish 充满垃圾3. throw litter into the river 把垃圾扔入河中4. play a part in cleaning it up 尽一份力把它清理干净5. land pollution 土地污染6. fill the air with black smoke 使空气中充满了黑烟7. cut down air pollution 减少空气污染8. make a difference 产生影响9. take action 采取行动10. turn off 关掉11. pay for 付费12. add up 累加13. use public transportation 使用公共交通14. recycle books and paper 回收书和纸15. use paper napkins 使用纸巾16. turn off the shower 关掉淋浴器17. ride in cars 开车出行18. cut off 割掉;砍掉19. upside down 颠倒;倒转【重点句子】1. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.甚至河底都充满了垃圾。2.Everyone in town should play a part in cleaning it up.城里的每个人都应当尽一份力把它清理干净。3.The air is badly polluted because there are too many cars on the road these days.空气被严重污染因为如今路上的汽车太多了。4.To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.为了减少空气污染,我们应当乘坐公共汽车或地铁而不是开车。5. I used to be able to see stars in the sky.我过去能在天空中看到星星。6. The air has become really polluted around here. I’m getting very worried.这儿的空气真的已经被污染了,我非常担心。7. No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.没有科学研究表明鲨鱼鳍对人们的健康有好处。_巩固练习_一、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示填写单词 1. However, it’s no fun if you have a large ______(双肩背包) full of books to carry.2. Luckily, they escaped from the ______ (着火的)building with the help of the firemen.3. There are a lot of ______(奶油)on the biscuits.4.A school o______ said they needed at least one million yuan to run the school.5.The thief stole food from a m______ and was caught by the policemen.二、用方框内所给词或短语的适当形式填空luck, office, keep walking, say goodbye to, feed1. ______until you get to the end of the street.2. The monkeys are full, because we have ______ them.3. We were late for the film Roman Holiday,but ________ we didn t miss much.4. He ___________ us at the end of the trip.5. It is said that he is a government______.三、单项选择1.  We planted          trees last year.A. hundreds of       B. hundred of   C. five hundreds      D. five hundred of2. —What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.—I          to prepare for the final exam last night.A. picked upB. woke upC. stayed upD. put up3. —Is Richard still living here?—No,he____ to Paris already.A. had moved          B. movedC. will move   D. has moved4. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didn’t _______.A. stay up  B. go upC. give up   D. show up5. —I’m sorry,I don’t know the way.—Please ask ______.A. anyone else  B. someone else  C. else anyone  D. else someone6. —You’d better hurry. We’ll be late for the plane.—Don’t worry. The plane will ______ in two hours.A. take out        B. take away    C. take off7. In that fantasy world, dead people can be______ again and broken legs can grow once more.A. live                B. alive    C. living             D. lively8. The teacher asked each of us to plant ______six trees.A. at last   B.at least   C.at once  D. at all9. My cousin didn’t get the ______ to work abroad and he had to return to his hometown.A. chance  B. challenge   C. experience  D. success10. Helen doesn’t talk to others. She always like thinking to ______.A. her  B. herself  C. hers   D. she11. —Do you have Jay s CDs?—Sorry, they are _____. But we ll get some more next week because they _____.A. sold well;are on sale    B. sold out;sell well  C. selling well; sell well    D. for sale; sell well12. —Tom, Ive just heard that scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars.—Really? I haven’t ______this yet.A. stood for    B. belonged toC. heard about   D. kept to13. —Can you tell me how to use the digital camera?—______ .Let me have a look.A. No way    B. No problemC. Forget it    四、用方框所给词的适当形式填空 discover, work, oversleep, disappear, miss1. Tom didn’t go to school on time this morning because he ______.2. The ______ worked all day and they felt very tired.3. I ______ the first bus. As a result, I was late for school.4. All over the world, people have cut down millions of trees, so more and more kinds of animals and plants are ______.5. At last, we made an important ______.五、按要求完成句子 1. I had had dinner by the time he called me. (改为一般疑问句)______ you______ dinner by the time he called you?2. The box isn’t light enough for me to carry. (改为同义句)The box is _______ heavy _______ I can’t carry it.3. We had learned six pop songs by the end of last week.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ pop songs _______ you _______ by the end of last week?4. Mr Smith has taught in our school for three years.( 对划线部分提问)_________ _______ has Mr Smith taught in our school?5. The water was so dirty that we couldn t drink it. (改为简单句)The water was_________ dirty for us _________drink.六、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 所有的水果都卖完了。All the fruits has been ______ ______.2. 李明是个淘气的孩子,因为他喜欢捉弄别人。Li Ming is a naught boy because he loves to ______ ______ ______ others.3. 她正在设法减肥。She is trying to ______ ______.4. 我们的作业必须准时交。Our homework must be ______ ______ on time.5. 在我的详细描述下,他很快就找到了真相。With my careful description, he ______ ______the truth quickly.  参考答案 一、1. backpack   2. burn   3. cream  4. officer  5. market二、1. keep walking  2. fed  3. luckily  4. says/said goodbye to  5. officer三、1. A【解析】考查数词的用法。hundred、thousand、million等数词与具体数字连用时,用单数形式,且词尾不加-s;若与of连用表示约数时,词尾必须加-s,且不可与数词连用。hundreds of意为“成百上千的”,所以选A。2. C【解析】pick up“捡起,拾起”;wake up“叫醒,唤醒”;stay up“熬夜”;put up“举起,搭建”。由上文句意“你看起来疲乏”和下文句意“昨天晚上为期末考试做准备”可知,是“熬夜”了。所以选C。3. D【解析】句意:—理查德还住在这里吗?—不,他已经搬到巴黎去了。由答语中already一词可知,本句为现在完成时。故选D。4. D【解析】stay up“熬夜”;go up“上升”;give up“放弃”;show up“露面”。由句意“你知道约翰在哪里吗?他准备和我早点见面,但他没露面”可知选D。5. B【解析】本句为肯定句,排除A和C;else修饰复合不定代词时,else要放在其后。故选B。6.C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。take out “取出,除去”;take away “带走;拿走”;take off “起飞”,根据答语:别急,飞机将在2个小时后起飞。故选C。7. B【解析】由句意“在那个神奇的世界里,死人能复活,断腿能再生”可知,选B,alive意为“活着的”,指生命的延续。8. B【解析】at last“最后”;at least“至少”;at once“马上”;at all“全然”。由句意“老师要我们每个人至少植六棵树”可知,选B。9. A【解析】get a chance to do sth.意为“得到机会做某事”。10. B【解析】think to oneself是固定搭配,意为“心里想,盘算”。由句意“海伦不喜欢和他人谈话,她总是喜欢自己心里想(事情)”。11. B【解析】考查动词的时态与语态。第一空要表达“对不起,他们全卖没了”,they和sell out之间是一种被动关系,所以要用被动语态;第二空,表达产品畅销使用sell well主动表被动,所以选B。12.C【解析】考查动词短语的辨析。stand for“代表;主张”;belong to“属于”;hear about“听说”;keep to“遵守”。根据句意知选C。13. B【解析】 no problem“没问题”,表示愿意或能够做这件事。四、1. overslept  2. workers  3. missed  4. disappearing  5. discovery五、1. Had; had  2. so; that 3.How many; had; learned  4. How long  5. too; to六、1. sold out  2. play jokes on  3. lose weight  4. handed in  5. find out温馨提示1、课件习题文档下载地址http://1ydt.com/v/down-5014.html(复制链接至浏览器下载)2、扫码下载长按识别二维码,下载课件3、文章底部左下角,点击“阅读原文”进行下载往期精彩回顾初中语文:初中语文教学教学资料汇编 期末知识点+文言文知识重难点 期末文言文知识重难点复习期末复习知识归纳电子版高清电子课本教材图片初中语文知识点+期末试卷初中数学:初中数学教学资料汇编知识点总结资料汇编电子课本高清图片新苏教初中七-九年级数学上下册电子课本初中英语:新目标初中英语789年级电子课本人教版初中英语教学教学资料汇编八年级上下册 必背重点单词/短语/句型外研社初中英语789年级上册下册 知识点精讲冀教版初中英语789年级上下册 全册知识点精讲北师大版初中英语789年级上下册 知识点总结仁爱版 初中英语789年级上下册 知识点精讲初中政史地:初中道德与法治789年级电子课本初中历史789年级 高清电子课本初中道德与法治789年级上册知识点+期末试卷初中789年级道德与法治学生教师教学资料初中历史789年级学生教师教学资料汇编初中地理78年级学生教师教学资料汇编初中理化生:初中物理化学89年级高清电子课本人教物理九年级全册 学生学习教师教学资料人教版 初中物理八年级学生教师教学资料人初中生物7年级8年级学生教师教学资料汇编扫码关注,获取更多学习资料图文来自网络,版权归原作者,如有不妥,告知即删点击阅读原文下载全册PPT课件动画教案习题朗读试卷电子课本整套资料




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