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人教版PEP小学英语五下U6《Work quietly!》朗读翻译+微课精讲+知识点习题 2020-02-18 05:32:06

部编版 小学语文123456年级上下册  学生学习教师教学资料

部编版 小学数学123456年级上下册  学生学习教师教学资料
人教版 小学PEP3456年级英语上下册 教学资料汇编


Work quietly!微课精讲+朗读习题




1.人教版PEP小学英语五下U1 My day微课精讲+朗读习题

2.人教版PEP小学英语五下U2 My favourite season微课精讲+朗读习题

3.人教版PEP小学英语五下U3My school calendar微课精讲+朗读习题

4.人教版PEP小学英语五下册Recycle 1微课精讲+朗读习题

5.人教版PEP小学英语五下U4《When is Easter?》朗读翻译+微课精讲

6.人教版PEP小学英语五下U5《Whose dog is it?》朗读翻译+微课精讲








Unit 6 Work quietly! 安静干活! 

Haha, Look! They're eating lunch! 哈哈,看!他们在吃午饭!

They're so cute. 他们好可爱。

Yes, they are! 是。

Shh! 嘘!

Dum-de-dum... 当当当……

Work quietly! 安静干活!

Zoom! Keep your desk clean! 祖姆!保持你的书桌干净!

Sorry. 对不起。

Keep to the right, please. 请靠右走。

Where is Amy? 艾米在哪?

She's listening to music in the classroom. 她在教室听音乐。

Unit 6 A Let's try 一起试试

Listen and tick. 听并打勾。

Wow. There are so many animals in the zoo. 哇。动物园里有好多动物。

Yes, I love them. Look! The birds are flying. 是的,我爱它们。看!鸟在飞。

And then, a yellow tiger, too. 然后,还有一只黄老虎。

Yes, it is runing very fast. 是,它跑的非常快。

Unit 6 A Let's talk 一起说吧 

Look at the pandas. 看看熊猫。

What are they doing? 它们在做什么?

Haha. They're eating lunch.  They're so cute. 哈哈。它们在吃午饭。它们好可爱。

Oh, yes! They like bamboo. 哦,是!它们喜欢竹子。

What's the little monkey doing? 小猴子在做什么?

It's playing with its mother! 它在和它的妈妈玩耍!

Do you see any elephants? 你看到大象了吗?

Yes! Look there! The elephant is drinking water. 是!看那里!大象在喝水。

Unit 6 A Let's learn 一起学吧 

It's 7:30 p.m. What's Chen Jie doing? 晚上七点半。陈杰在做什么?

She's listening to music. 她在听音乐。

It's 9 o'clock. 九点了。

What are the students doing? 学生们在做什么?

doing morning exercises 做晨练

having...class 上课

eating lunch 吃午饭

reading a book 读书

listening to music 听音乐

Unit 6 A Let's spell 拼读一下

Read, listen and chant. 读、听并唱。


what 什么

when 什么时候

where 在哪里


whose 谁的

who 谁 

Let's chant 一起唱吧

Where is my cat? Where is she? 我的猫在哪?她在哪?

Who can find her, one, two, three! 谁能找到她,一、二、三!

What does she drink? What does she eat? 她喝了什么?她吃了什么?

Where is she hiding? Under my seat. 她躲在哪?在我座位下。 

Where is my cat? Where is she? 我的猫在哪?她在哪?

Who can find her, one, two, three! 谁能找到她,一、二、三!

What does she drink? What does she eat? 她喝了什么?她吃了什么?

Where is she hiding? Under my seat. 她躲在哪?在我座位下。 

Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。 

Listen and circle. 听并圈出。

1. what 什么

2. when 什么时候

3. whose 谁的

4. who 谁

5. where 在哪里

Unit 6 B Let's try 一起试试

Listen and circle. 听并圈出。

Hi. I am new here. Is this the library? 你好。我是新来的。这是图书馆吗?

Yes, it is. Can I help you? 是。我能帮你吗?

Yes, where are the English books? 是,英语书在哪?

Oh, over here. 哦,在那。

Shh. Talk quietly. 嘘。小点声说话。

Unit 6 B Let's talk 一起说吧 

My name is Tom. What's your name? 我叫汤姆。你叫什么?

Shh. Talk quietly. I'm John. 嘘。小点声。我是乔恩。

I can show you the English books. 我能给你看英语书。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Here they are. 它们在这。

OK. Can I read the books here? 好。我能在这看书吗?

Yes. Of course. 是。当然。

Anything else? 还有别的吗?

Yes. Keep your desk clean. 是。保持书桌干净。

OK, I will. Thanks. 好,我会的。谢谢。

Unit 6 B Let's learn 一起学吧 

Can we use your crayons? 我们能用你的蜡笔吗?

OK. Take turns. 好。轮流用。

Talk quietly, please. 请小声说话。

Keep to the right. 靠右走。

Keep your desk clean. 保持书桌干净。

Talk quietly. 小声说话。

Unit 6 B Read and write 读和写 

The world robot exhibition 世界机器人展览

Ni hao. Ni zai gan shen me ne? 你好,你在干什么呢?

Sorry. What are you saying? 对不起。你在说什么?

I'm speaking Chinese. 我在说中文。

Oh, hello. What are you doing? 哦,你好。你在做什么?

I'm drawing a picture. Have a look. 我在画画。来看看。

It's lovely. 很可爱。

Are you cooking? 你在做饭吗?

Yes. I'm cooking rice. Asako is making sushi. 是的。我在蒸米饭。朝子在做寿司。

Can we play music with you? 我们能放音乐吗?

Sure. Please take turns. 当然。请轮流放。

Are you from China? 你来自中国吗?

Yes, I am. 是的。

You're so cool! Can you teach me? 你好厉害!你能教我吗?

Sure! 当然!

Are you doing kung fu? 你会功夫吗?

Yes, I am. 是的。

I'll show you. 我给你看看。

Unit 6 B Let's check 检查一下

Listen and tick. 听并打勾。

1.Where is Grandpa, Yifan? 祖姆在哪,亦凡?

He's in his room. He's reading a book. 他在他的房间。他在读书。

Oh, OK. 哦,好。 

2.Mike, can I use your dictionary?迈克,我能用你的字典吗?

OK, John. Here you are. 好。给你。

Talk quietly. 小声点说话。 

3.I'm listening to English music. It's cool. 我在听英语歌。很酷。

I like English music. 我喜欢英语歌。

I like it, too. 我也喜欢。

Here, listen. Take turns. 给你们。轮流听听。

Thanks. 谢谢。 

Listen again and write. 再听一遍并写。

1.What is Grandpa doing? 祖姆在做什么?

2.What is Chen Jie doing? 陈杰在做什么? 

1.Where is Grandpa, Yifan? 祖姆在哪,亦凡?

He's in his room. He's reading a book. 他在他的房间。他在读书。

Oh, OK. 哦,好。 

2.I'm listening to English music. It's cool. 我在听英语歌。很酷。

I like English music. 我喜欢英语歌。

I like it, too. 我也喜欢。

Here, listen. Take turns. 给你们。轮流听听。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Unit 6 C Story time 故事时间 

Zip: I love the film. 我爱电影。

Zoom: Yes. The gorilla is great! 是的。大猩猩很棒!

Zip: Wow! The gorilla is eating a banana. 哇!大猩猩在吃香蕉。

Zoom: It's so big and strong. 它很壮。

Zip: What's that noise? 那是什么声音?

Zoom: I'm eating popcorn. 我在吃爆米花。

Zip: It's so exciting! 好激动!

Zoom: Yes, it is! 是!

Tiger: Shh! Talk quietly! 嘘!小声说话。

Zoom: Sorry! 对不起!

Zip: Look at the sign. 看那个标牌。

Zoom: Oh, no! 哦不!








Unit 6 Word List 单词表

doing morning exercises(正在)早锻炼

having … class(正在)上课

eating lunch(正在)吃午饭

reading a book(正在)看书

listening to music(正在)听音乐


keep to the right靠右

keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌整洁

talk quietly 小声讲话

turn 顺序

take turns 按顺序来

bamboo 竹子


show 引导;指引

anything 任何事物 

else 另外;其他

exhibition 展览

say 说;讲

have a look 看一看

sushi 寿司

teach 教

Canadian 加拿大的

Spanish 西班牙的
















doing morning exercises(正在)做早操         


eating lunch(正在)吃午饭                     

reading a book (正在)看书

listening to music (正在)听音乐              

keep 保持某种状态

keep to the right 靠右                       

keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净 

talk  quietly小声讲话      turn 顺序      take turns按顺序来

2. 三会:

bamboo 竹子 its (指事物、动物或幼儿)它的;她的;他的  show 给人看;指引 anything  任何事物 else 另外;其他 exhibition  展览 say 说;讲   have a look 看一看  sushi 寿司teach  sure (表示同意)当然 Canadian 加拿大的  Spanish   西班牙的


 getting up(正在)起床                         

watching TV (正在)看电视

 playing sports (正在)进行体育运动             

playing the piano (正在)弹钢琴

sweepingthe floor  (正在)扫地                  

watering the flowers(正在)浇花

climbingmountains (正在)爬山                

flying kites(正在)放风筝  



句型结构:问:What are+多个人/动物+doing?···正在做什么?)

答:They are+动词ing形式+其他。(他//它们正在··· 

例:问:What are the childrendoing ?(孩子们正在做什么?)

答:They are playing.(他们正在玩耍。)  


句型结构:问:What is +单个人/动物+doing?(···正在做什么?)

答:He/She/It is +动词ing形式+其他。(//它正在···).

例:问:What is your mother doing?(你妈妈正在做什么?)

答:She is cooking lunch.(她正在做午饭) 

问:What is your father doing?(你爸爸正在做什么?)

答:He is cleaning the window.(他正在擦窗户)。



What are they doing ? 它们在干什么?  They are eating lunch ! 它们在吃午饭。

What’s the little monkey doing ? 那只小猴子在干什么?

It’s playing with its mother . 它在和妈妈玩耍。

Shh. Talk quietly . 嘘,小声讲话。    Keep your desk clean . 保持桌面整洁。

五、语音:wh字母组合在o前发/h/ 其他的发/w/

wh /w/ what   when   where what  white    wh / h/  whose   who   whole





 (    )1.A. swim      B. fighting      C. swing    D. run

 (    )2.A. season     B. spring       C. summer   D. fall

 (    )3.A. morning   B. afternoon   C. sun   D. evening

 (    )4.A. breakfast   B. lunch    C. dinner    D. orange

(    )5.A. kangaroo    B. ant      C. butterfly   D. aunt

二、Look and choose.(选择,把正确答案的序号写到前面的括号里。)

 1.(    ) Do you like sweet food?

  A.Yes , she does.     B.Yes, I do.      C.Yes, I am.

 2.(    ) Are you flying kites?

  A.Yes , she does.     B.Yes, I do.      C.Yes, I am.

 3.(    ) What ____ John doing?

  A.is      B.am     C.are

 4.(    ) Is he ________ a report?

  A. writeing      B.write     C.writing

 5.(    ) Chen Jie is catching butterflies, Amy is catching butterflies ,___.

  A. too          B. yes.        C. not

 6.(    )Where are they?

A.Yes , they are.           

B.They are in the woods.  

C.They’re picking up leaves.

 7.(    ) It’s time _____ go to school.

  A.to    B.for     C.on

 8.(    ) Are you eating lunch?

  A. Yes, you are.    B. Yes, I can.   C. No, we aren’t.

 9.(    ) Let’s do an experiment.

  A. Goodbye.      B. OK.     C. Thank you.

 10.(    ) Is she counting insects?___.

  A. No, he isn’t.    B. No, she is.     C. No, she isn’t.


(    )1.What’s your favourite fruit?  A. Yes, they are.

(    )2. What’s the date?           B. He is in the woods.

(    )3.Where is Zhang Peng?       C. It’s May 1st.

(    )4.Are they reading a book?     D. He’s playing chess.

(    )5.What is John doing?         E. I like apple. They are sweet.


 1. playing,  is,  He,  chess  .


2. she,  insects,  Is,  counting  ?


 3. is,  No,  it,  not  .


 4. have,  today,  picnic,  a,  Let’s  .


 5. do,  What,  you,  to,  eat,  like  ?



六、Fill in the blanks with the following words. 用所给的词语或短语填空。

John: What       you see?

Mike: I see two      .

John: What are they      ?

Mike: They              water.

John: Can you see the      ?

Mike: Yes, it             .


It’s a nice day. We are having a good time. We are going on a field trip. Listen! The birds are singing. Look! My father is doing an experiment. My mother is catching butterflies. My grandparents are playing chess. My brother is running on the grass. What am I doing then? I am taking pictures.

(    )1. My grandma is playing chess.

(    )2. My brother is running.

(    )3. My sister is catching butterflies.

(    )4. I am taking pictures.

(    )5. The birds are flying.

八、A field trip


一、1-5  B A C D D

二、1-5  B C A C A       

6-10 B A C B C

三、1. E   2. C   3. B   4. A   5. D


1. He is playing chess.

2. Is she counting insects?

3. No, it isn’t.

4. Let’s have a picnic.

5. What do you like to eat?


1. They are having a picnic.

2. Yes, she is.

3. 略。

4. He is climbing the mountains.

5. 略。

六、do,  elephants,  doing,  are drinking,  monkey,  is swinging

七、1. T      2. T     3. F     4. T      5. F









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部编版 小学语文123456年级上下册  学生学习教师教学资料小学语文123456年级下册朗读教案课件试卷下载部编版 小学数学123456年级上下册  学生学习教师教学资料小学数学123456年级下册朗读教案课件试卷下载人教版 小学PEP3456年级英语上下册 教学资料汇编第六单元《Work quietly!》微课精讲+朗读习题_人教版PEP五年级英语下册_1.人教版PEP小学英语五下U1 My day微课精讲+朗读习题2.人教版PEP小学英语五下U2 My favourite season微课精讲+朗读习题3.人教版PEP小学英语五下U3My school calendar微课精讲+朗读习题4.人教版PEP小学英语五下册Recycle 1微课精讲+朗读习题5.人教版PEP小学英语五下U4《When is Easter?》朗读翻译+微课精讲6.人教版PEP小学英语五下U5《Whose dog is it?》朗读翻译+微课精讲_课文朗读_♬点击上方绿标收听音频_课文翻译_Unit 6 Work quietly! 安静干活! Haha, Look! They're eating lunch! 哈哈,看!他们在吃午饭!They're so cute. 他们好可爱。Yes, they are! 是。Shh! 嘘!Dum-de-dum... 当当当……Work quietly! 安静干活!Zoom! Keep your desk clean! 祖姆!保持你的书桌干净!Sorry. 对不起。Keep to the right, please. 请靠右走。Where is Amy? 艾米在哪?She's listening to music in the classroom. 她在教室听音乐。Unit 6 A Let's try 一起试试Listen and tick. 听并打勾。Wow. There are so many animals in the zoo. 哇。动物园里有好多动物。Yes, I love them. Look! The birds are flying. 是的,我爱它们。看!鸟在飞。And then, a yellow tiger, too. 然后,还有一只黄老虎。Yes, it is runing very fast. 是,它跑的非常快。Unit 6 A Let's talk 一起说吧 Look at the pandas. 看看熊猫。What are they doing? 它们在做什么?Haha. They're eating lunch.  They're so cute. 哈哈。它们在吃午饭。它们好可爱。Oh, yes! They like bamboo. 哦,是!它们喜欢竹子。What's the little monkey doing? 小猴子在做什么?It's playing with its mother! 它在和它的妈妈玩耍!Do you see any elephants? 你看到大象了吗?Yes! Look there! The elephant is drinking water. 是!看那里!大象在喝水。Unit 6 A Let's learn 一起学吧 It's 7:30 p.m. What's Chen Jie doing? 晚上七点半。陈杰在做什么?She's listening to music. 她在听音乐。It's 9 o'clock. 九点了。What are the students doing? 学生们在做什么?doing morning exercises 做晨练having...class 上课eating lunch 吃午饭reading a book 读书listening to music 听音乐Unit 6 A Let's spell 拼读一下Read, listen and chant. 读、听并唱。whwhat 什么when 什么时候where 在哪里whwhose 谁的who 谁 Let's chant 一起唱吧Where is my cat? Where is she? 我的猫在哪?她在哪?Who can find her, one, two, three! 谁能找到她,一、二、三!What does she drink? What does she eat? 她喝了什么?她吃了什么?Where is she hiding? Under my seat. 她躲在哪?在我座位下。 Where is my cat? Where is she? 我的猫在哪?她在哪?Who can find her, one, two, three! 谁能找到她,一、二、三!What does she drink? What does she eat? 她喝了什么?她吃了什么?Where is she hiding? Under my seat. 她躲在哪?在我座位下。 Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。 Listen and circle. 听并圈出。1. what 什么2. when 什么时候3. whose 谁的4. who 谁5. where 在哪里Unit 6 B Let's try 一起试试Listen and circle. 听并圈出。Hi. I am new here. Is this the library? 你好。我是新来的。这是图书馆吗?Yes, it is. Can I help you? 是。我能帮你吗?Yes, where are the English books? 是,英语书在哪?Oh, over here. 哦,在那。Shh. Talk quietly. 嘘。小点声说话。Unit 6 B Let's talk 一起说吧 My name is Tom. What's your name? 我叫汤姆。你叫什么?Shh. Talk quietly. I'm John. 嘘。小点声。我是乔恩。I can show you the English books. 我能给你看英语书。Thanks. 谢谢。Here they are. 它们在这。OK. Can I read the books here? 好。我能在这看书吗?Yes. Of course. 是。当然。Anything else? 还有别的吗?Yes. Keep your desk clean. 是。保持书桌干净。OK, I will. Thanks. 好,我会的。谢谢。Unit 6 B Let's learn 一起学吧 Can we use your crayons? 我们能用你的蜡笔吗?OK. Take turns. 好。轮流用。Talk quietly, please. 请小声说话。Keep to the right. 靠右走。Keep your desk clean. 保持书桌干净。Talk quietly. 小声说话。Unit 6 B Read and write 读和写 The world robot exhibition 世界机器人展览Ni hao. Ni zai gan shen me ne? 你好,你在干什么呢?Sorry. What are you saying? 对不起。你在说什么?I'm speaking Chinese. 我在说中文。Oh, hello. What are you doing? 哦,你好。你在做什么?I'm drawing a picture. Have a look. 我在画画。来看看。It's lovely. 很可爱。Are you cooking? 你在做饭吗?Yes. I'm cooking rice. Asako is making sushi. 是的。我在蒸米饭。朝子在做寿司。Can we play music with you? 我们能放音乐吗?Sure. Please take turns. 当然。请轮流放。Are you from China? 你来自中国吗?Yes, I am. 是的。You're so cool! Can you teach me? 你好厉害!你能教我吗?Sure! 当然!Are you doing kung fu? 你会功夫吗?Yes, I am. 是的。I'll show you. 我给你看看。Unit 6 B Let's check 检查一下Listen and tick. 听并打勾。1.Where is Grandpa, Yifan? 祖姆在哪,亦凡?He's in his room. He's reading a book. 他在他的房间。他在读书。Oh, OK. 哦,好。 2.Mike, can I use your dictionary?迈克,我能用你的字典吗?OK, John. Here you are. 好。给你。Talk quietly. 小声点说话。 3.I'm listening to English music. It's cool. 我在听英语歌。很酷。I like English music. 我喜欢英语歌。I like it, too. 我也喜欢。Here, listen. Take turns. 给你们。轮流听听。Thanks. 谢谢。 Listen again and write. 再听一遍并写。1.What is Grandpa doing? 祖姆在做什么?2.What is Chen Jie doing? 陈杰在做什么? 1.Where is Grandpa, Yifan? 祖姆在哪,亦凡?He's in his room. He's reading a book. 他在他的房间。他在读书。Oh, OK. 哦,好。 2.I'm listening to English music. It's cool. 我在听英语歌。很酷。I like English music. 我喜欢英语歌。I like it, too. 我也喜欢。Here, listen. Take turns. 给你们。轮流听听。Thanks. 谢谢。Unit 6 C Story time 故事时间 Zip: I love the film. 我爱电影。Zoom: Yes. The gorilla is great! 是的。大猩猩很棒!Zip: Wow! The gorilla is eating a banana. 哇!大猩猩在吃香蕉。Zoom: It's so big and strong. 它很壮。Zip: What's that noise? 那是什么声音?Zoom: I'm eating popcorn. 我在吃爆米花。Zip: It's so exciting! 好激动!Zoom: Yes, it is! 是!Tiger: Shh! Talk quietly! 嘘!小声说话。Zoom: Sorry! 对不起!Zip: Look at the sign. 看那个标牌。Zoom: Oh, no! 哦不!_单词朗读_♬点击上方绿标收听音频_单词表_Unit 6 Word List 单词表doing morning exercises(正在)早锻炼having … class(正在)上课eating lunch(正在)吃午饭reading a book(正在)看书listening to music(正在)听音乐keep保持某种状态keep to the right靠右keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌整洁talk quietly 小声讲话turn 顺序take turns 按顺序来bamboo 竹子its它的;他的(指事物、动物或幼儿)show 引导;指引anything 任何事物 else 另外;其他exhibition 展览say 说;讲have a look 看一看sushi 寿司teach 教Canadian 加拿大的Spanish 西班牙的_微课视频精讲_第一节课时第二节课时第三节课时_电子课本__知识点汇总_第六单元知识点汇总(供课前预习课后复习)一、重点词汇 1.四会:doing morning exercises(正在)做早操         having···class(正在)上······课eating lunch(正在)吃午饭                     reading a book (正在)看书listening to music (正在)听音乐              keep 保持某种状态keep to the right 靠右                       keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净 talk  quietly小声讲话      turn 顺序      take turns按顺序来2. 三会:bamboo 竹子 its (指事物、动物或幼儿)它的;她的;他的  show 给人看;指引 anything  任何事物 else 另外;其他 exhibition  展览 say 说;讲   have a look 看一看  sushi 寿司teach教  sure (表示同意)当然 Canadian 加拿大的  Spanish   西班牙的二、其他动词短语的-ing形式 getting up(正在)起床                         watching TV (正在)看电视 playing sports (正在)进行体育运动             playing the piano (正在)弹钢琴sweepingthe floor  (正在)扫地                  watering the flowers(正在)浇花climbingmountains (正在)爬山                flying kites(正在)放风筝  三、重点句型  1、如何问答多个人或动物正在做什么 句型结构:问:What are+多个人/动物+doing?(···正在做什么?)答:They are+动词ing形式+其他。(他/她/它们正在···) 例:问:What are the childrendoing ?(孩子们正在做什么?)答:They are playing.(他们正在玩耍。)  2、如何问答单个人或动物正在做什么 句型结构:问:What is +单个人/动物+doing?(···正在做什么?)答:He/She/It is +动词ing形式+其他。(他/她/它正在···).例:问:What is your mother doing?(你妈妈正在做什么?)答:She is cooking lunch.(她正在做午饭) 问:What is your father doing?(你爸爸正在做什么?)答:He is cleaning the window.(他正在擦窗户)。 四、四会句子。What are they doing ? 它们在干什么?  They are eating lunch ! 它们在吃午饭。What’s the little monkey doing ? 那只小猴子在干什么?It’s playing with its mother . 它在和妈妈玩耍。Shh. Talk quietly . 嘘,小声讲话。    Keep your desk clean . 保持桌面整洁。五、语音:wh字母组合在o前发/h/ 其他的发/w/wh /w/ what   when   where what  white    wh / h/  whose   who   whole_巩固练习_一、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。 (    )1.A. swim      B. fighting      C. swing    D. run (    )2.A. season     B. spring       C. summer   D. fall (    )3.A. morning   B. afternoon   C. sun   D. evening (    )4.A. breakfast   B. lunch    C. dinner    D. orange(    )5.A. kangaroo    B. ant      C. butterfly   D. aunt二、Look and choose.(选择,把正确答案的序号写到前面的括号里。) 1.(    ) Do you like sweet food?  A.Yes , she does.     B.Yes, I do.      C.Yes, I am. 2.(    ) Are you flying kites?  A.Yes , she does.     B.Yes, I do.      C.Yes, I am. 3.(    ) What ____ John doing?  A.is      B.am     C.are 4.(    ) Is he ________ a report?  A. writeing      B.write     C.writing 5.(    ) Chen Jie is catching butterflies, Amy is catching butterflies ,___.  A. too          B. yes.        C. not 6.(    )Where are they?A.Yes , they are.           B.They are in the woods.  C.They’re picking up leaves. 7.(    ) It’s time _____ go to school.  A.to    B.for     C.on 8.(    ) Are you eating lunch?  A. Yes, you are.    B. Yes, I can.   C. No, we aren’t. 9.(    ) Let’s do an experiment.  A. Goodbye.      B. OK.     C. Thank you. 10.(    ) Is she counting insects?___.  A. No, he isn’t.    B. No, she is.     C. No, she isn’t.三、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(    )1.What’s your favourite fruit?  A. Yes, they are.(    )2. What’s the date?           B. He is in the woods.(    )3.Where is Zhang Peng?       C. It’s May 1st.(    )4.Are they reading a book?     D. He’s playing chess.(    )5.What is John doing?         E. I like apple. They are sweet.四、排词成句。 1. playing,  is,  He,  chess  .______________________________________________2. she,  insects,  Is,  counting  ?_______________________________________________ 3. is,  No,  it,  not  . ______________________________________________ 4. have,  today,  picnic,  a,  Let’s  . ______________________________________________ 5. do,  What,  you,  to,  eat,  like  ?_____________________________________________五、根据图意,写出最合适的问答句。六、Fill in the blanks with the following words. 用所给的词语或短语填空。John: What       you see?Mike: I see two      .John: What are they      ?Mike: They              water.John: Can you see the      ?Mike: Yes, it             .七、阅读理解,判断正误,正确T,错误F。It’s a nice day. We are having a good time. We are going on a field trip. Listen! The birds are singing. Look! My father is doing an experiment. My mother is catching butterflies. My grandparents are playing chess. My brother is running on the grass. What am I doing then? I am taking pictures.(    )1. My grandma is playing chess.(    )2. My brother is running.(    )3. My sister is catching butterflies.(    )4. I am taking pictures.(    )5. The birds are flying.八、A field trip参考答案:一、1-5  B A C D D二、1-5  B C A C A       6-10 B A C B C三、1. E   2. C   3. B   4. A   5. D四、1. He is playing chess.2. Is she counting insects?3. No, it isn’t.4. Let’s have a picnic.5. What do you like to eat?五、1. They are having a picnic.2. Yes, she is.3. 略。4. He is climbing the mountains.5. 略。六、do,  elephants,  doing,  are drinking,  monkey,  is swinging七、1. T      2. T     3. F     4. T      5. 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